65% of students who have used StREAM at Nottingham Trent University achieved a GPA equivalent of a 2:1 or first.
65% of students who have used StREAM at Nottingham Trent University achieved a GPA equivalent of a 2:1 or first.
With StREAM, York St John University were able to measure the impact of tutor interventions within 6 weeks.
Using StREAM technology, Coventry University identified and retained over 240 students within one semester.
What is StREAM?
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How does it benefit
StREAM has been built with the primary focus of helping each student to understand and manage their unique learning journey. The StREAM engagement score provides data they can use to review their activity and make decisions based on this knowledge that can impact their future success. Offering a daily engagement score and highlighting patterns of activity, your students can use StREAM to better understand themselves and their behaviours in relation to their learning journey.
StREAM creates a baseline model of engagement for each individual student, by passively counting the student’s use of the various electronic proxies that represent participation in their course. The system translates complex transactional data and provides simple but powerful visualisations of the student’s engagement, performance and progress to date through an intuitive dashboard; widely used by personal academic tutors for coaching purposes, to identify risk of early withdrawal, and by students for self-reflection.
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